SINGAPORE — Out of the 16 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine administered so far, 11 people were given an excess dose of the vaccine, while 119 were given a lower dose than required.
These include seven children aged between five and 11 who did not have any adverse reactions, said Senior Minister of State for Health Janil Puthucheary on Monday .the number of overdose cases and safeguards to prevent such incidents, added that the adult cases had either no adverse reactions or"recovered uneventfully”.
He added that MOH will investigate such incidents and work with providers to review and improve their work processes if there are systemic issues. Dr Puthucheary reiterated that the proper administration of vaccines is “part of the healthcare licensee expectations”. “All our data so far suggests that the last is not likely, and the vast majority of our doses have been delivered quite safely. Nevertheless, MOH continues to review all of this.”