'The more I read the script, the more I hated the guy.' —Robert Pattinson on Edward Cullen
,"He’d be walking down the street and people would say, ‘Look, there’s James Bond.’ That was particularly upsetting to him.”director told her she needed to"cry pretty" as Invisible Woman."The director was like, 'It looks too real. It looks too painful. Can you be prettier when you cry? Cry pretty, Jessica.
' He was like, 'Don't do that thing with your face. Just make it flat. We can CGI the tears in.' And I'm like, but there's no connection to a human being," sheAm I not good enough? Are my instincts and my emotions not good enough? Do people hate them so much that they don't want me to be a person? Am I not allowed to be a person in my work?
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