Denver’s iconic laugh was already written into the script, but Jaime Lorente made it his own while auditioning.
The Silence Of The Lambs
character Clarice Starling, an FBI student with a messy family life who develops sympathies for a criminal.On the other hand, the character of Tokyo — including her haircut and clothing style — were inspired by the character of Mathilda in the filmAcross all five seasons, over 600 of the iconic red jumpsuits were used to dress the cast.If that sounds like a large number, it's because some scenes required 8-10 versions of the same outfit for characters.
The money scene was filmed in downtown Madrid and involved hundreds of extras. Unfortunately, it was plagued by problems and for each successful take, they had to pick up all the fake money and do it again. Plus, all the delays meant that the deadline thecrew had agreed on with advertisers to overlay their boards with green screens had passed. Luckily, they got more time and filmed the shot!
On the other hand, the scuba scene, which involved submerging an entire set in a swimming pool in Pinewood Studios to simulate the vault being flooded, was a huge learning curve. The appearance of the gold ingots, which were made from foam, was altered due to the pressure of the water. This meant that every ingot had to be digitally touched up in every flee from the Royal Mint Of Spain and cross into international waters.
team figured out a feasible way to melt the gold, they also asked the jewellers how they would transport it, which transpired into the idea of turning the gold into nuggets. Except, of course, they didn't melt down real gold while filming — they used brass. The people doing the melting in the show were also professionals.and even had a cameo playing a monk.