found that recruiters were 10 times more likely to visit a high school in Connecticut where nearly half the students were on free or reduced lunches than they were to visit a similar-size high school
in the area where only 5% of students qualified for the assistance.from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, canceling $10,000 per borrower"would forgive a total of $321 billion of federal student loans, eliminate the entire balance for 11.8 million borrowers , and cancel 30.5 percent of loans delinquent or in default" as of spring 2020.
found that the forgiveness is likely to have minimal impact on spending and inflation, as student loan payments — paused since March 2020 — are set to resume at the beginning of next year following one last extension of the moratorium from Biden.taken earlier this month found that nearly half of respondents — 48% — said they backed the White House plan versus 34% who oppose it. Support was particularly strong among Black respondents, those aged 18-29 and those who have student loan debt.