LISBON : Chinese technology giant Huawei has filed a lawsuit with a Lisbon court against a resolution by Portugal's cybersecurity council CSSC that effectively bars operators from using its equipment in high-speed 5G mobile networks, the company said.The CSSC is the prime minister's consultative body and
LISBON : Chinese technology giant Huawei has filed a lawsuit with a Lisbon court against a resolution by Portugal's cybersecurity council CSSC that effectively bars operators from using its equipment in high-speed 5G mobile networks, the company said.
Europe and the U.S. have concerns that Chinese involvement in critical infrastructure could compromise security. Beijing and Huawei reject such suggestions. The justice ministry's portal Citius shows that the lawsuit was filed at the Lisbon Administrative Court on Aug. 31. The secretary of state for digitalisation, Mario Campolargo, who chairs the CSSC, told Reuters earlier that the deliberation in May was based on an independent, strict security assessment following European Union guidelines, and did not specifically target Chinese suppliers.