“Oh Grace, I am very, very flattered,” the MP said with a smile. “I’m sure your mummy also really, really loved your daddy, so I will not get in the way of that. And I guess I should point out that I really love my wife, too. So I think we’ll just stick...
SINGAPORE: Kids say the darndest things, as the saying goes. One little girl proved this to be true when she told Workers’ Party MP Jamus Lim that her mum “really likes” him and then followed this up by asking, “Will you marry her, please?”‘s Facebook page on June 15, Assoc Prof Lim set out to answer key questions posed by kids in Singapore, which ranged from running noses to how to hold it in when you want to pass gas in an elevator to why he doesn’t wear glasses.
And I guess I should point out that I really love my wife, too. So I think we’ll just stick to our respective mummies and daddies,” he added. He also wrote about his three-and-a-half-year-old daughter, whom he describes as, on the one hand, “is especially into testing boundaries,” and who appears to test her parents’ patience and self-control.