Researchers are puzzled by mysterious blobs that they can't identify.
Unidentified deep-sea"blue goo" creatures recently left scientists scratching their heads after they spotted the mysterious blobs hanging out on the seafloor in the Caribbean. During a live stream of the expedition, team members discussed what the gloopy globules could be, but none of the researchers could come up with a definitive answer.
Researchers piloted the ROV from onboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's research vessel Okeanos Explorer, which has spent the last four months investigating sections of the North Atlantic as part of NOAA's"Voyage to the Ridge 2022" exploration series. As with every other dive during these expeditions, the footage was live streamed by NOAA for deep-sea enthusiasts from around the world to enjoy.
Image 1 of 4The team will now begin the lengthy process of trying to identify the puzzling blue goo.