Atlantic City is offering the money to property owners that experienced a negative economic impact due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Deion Johnson | NJ Advance Media for
Property owners – both residents and non-residents – are eligible to apply for the money, which is being funded by the city’s cut of a federal payment it received from the American Rescue Plan, Mayor Marty Small, Sr. said during a live-streamed press conference and in a press announcement. Property owners in the city who are current on their tax bills and can demonstrate they suffered economically from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic are eligible to receive the payments, city officials said. Over the next two to three weeks, eligible property owners should expect to receive forms in the mail that will ask about the hardships they’ve suffered during the past two years.
Property owners will send in the forms to the city, where employees will evaluate their eligibility and start cutting checks on a rolling basis, officials said.