Priests and nuns watch pornography online just like everybody else, Pope Francis told aspiring clerics of the Roman Catholic Church this week.
"It is a vice that many people have, many laymen, many laywomen, and also priests and nuns. The Devil gets in that way," Pope Francis said.A student of the church asked the pope if devotees should use the technologies of the modern world.Pope Francis told aspiring clerics of the Roman Catholic Church that priests and nuns watch online pornography.“You have to use them, you have to use them just for that, as the help to get by, to communicate: That’s fine,” the pope said.
“There is another thing, which you know well: digital pornography. I’m going to spell it out,” he said. “The pure heart, the one that receives Jesus every day, cannot receive this pornographic information. That today, is the order of the day. And if you can delete this from your mobile phone, delete it.”