When talking to the nursing parents in your life, avoid these unnecessary comments and questions.
can be hard enough on parents. Unsolicited comments and opinions from other people don’t make it any easier.
“Breastfeeding may be recommended [by society], but it sure as hell isn’t supported,” added Locher, a mother of four. “All any mother is trying to do is feed their baby and keep them healthy and happy.”Karrie Locher — a registered nurse, certified lactation counselor and mother of four — nurses her son.
“They said, ‘Glad you asked. We had a few complaints,’ and recommended the bathroom or the janitor’s closet,”told HuffPost. “The bathroom was busy, so I went and nursed my baby standing up — nowhere to sit — in a dark janitor’s closet next to buckets, mops and old dusty paint cans. Never, ever should that be OK.