Miraculously, the 3-year-old only suffered a bump and a scratch, while the 68-year-old grandmother suffered broken ribs and shoulders. With that shocking surveillance footage, neighbors are concerned about those who will be out and about, trick-or-treating and celebrating Halloween.
The boy's mom asked to speak anonymously, fearing any retaliation. She said after the crash, her mother-in-law, the boy's grandma, walked back home. After learning what happened, the family then called police.
"The doctor checked on the baby first," his mother described. "They said the baby appears to be okay. And that's when my mother-in-law totally collapsed." "Yeah, in the middle of the road. And she was still fallen down," Zhu described. "And the stroller, it looked like upside down, and the baby inside the stroller."
"As it gets darker in the evenings, be really, really aware. Sometimes we tell people to also just think about trying to make themselves more visible," Jesse Mintz-Roth, Vision Zero Program manager for the City of San Jose's Department of Transportation said."I think that everyone should make make eye contact with drivers. It's a great tip when you're crossing the street - before you cross the street," Mintz-Roth continued.