Hot Wheels has selected a 1968 Volkswagen Beetle as a 2022 Legends Tour finalist. Called Hammerhead, it's powered by a turbocharged Volvo engine.
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Infamous ‘Torso Killer' Indicted in Brutal 1968 Mall Murder of New York Dance TeacherA 75-year-old serial killer serving a life sentence in New Jersey state prison for murdering women over a decades-long span now is accused of strangling a woman in a Long Island mall parking lot more than 50 years ago, Nassau County prosecutors say.
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'Torso Killer' Richard Cottingham indicted for 1968 murder of Long Island womanAuthorities say Richard Cottingham, the serial killer known as the 'Torso Killer,' was responsible for the 1968 murder of Diane Cusick.
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Richard Cottingham, convicted serial killer, linked to 1968 murder of Long Island mother Diane CusickA 75-year-old admitted serial killer who has been imprisoned for decades and is currently serving a life sentence was arraigned on new charges Wednesday. He's accused of killing a Long Island woman in 1968. McLoganTV reports.
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'Torso Killer' Richard Cottingham indicted for 1968 murder of Long Island womanAuthorities say Richard Cottingham, the serial killer known as the 'Torso Killer,' was responsible for the 1968 murder of Diane Cusick.
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Richard Cottingham, convicted serial killer, linked to 1968 murder of Long Island mother Diane CusickA 75-year-old admitted serial killer who has been imprisoned for decades and is currently serving a life sentence was arraigned on new charges Wednesday. He's accused of killing a Long Island woman in 1968. McLoganTV reports.
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Infamous ‘Torso Killer' Indicted in Brutal 1968 Mall Murder of New York Dance TeacherA 75-year-old serial killer serving a life sentence in New Jersey state prison for murdering women over a decades-long span now is accused of strangling a woman in a Long Island mall parking lot more than 50 years ago, Nassau County prosecutors say.
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